While Earth Month officially ends today, there are many ways to celebrate and protect our planet as part of our everyday lives. Check out the Lab’s Earth Day website to learn what you can do to keep mother earth healthy and happy. https://earthday.lbl.gov/
IGB Aims to Be Lab’s First Zero-Waste Building
Small changes in routine or habits can have immense impacts. The Joint Genome Institute, with the help of Sustainable Berkeley Lab, changed how the Integrated Genomics Building tenants collected trash as part of a goal to make the IGB the first zero-waste building at Berkeley Lab. https://stratcomm-elements.lbl.gov/2021/04/23/igb-aims-to-become-first-zero-waste-lab-building/
It’s Earth Day! Lab Website Offers Ways to Participate
Watch a live science event exploring the Earth, get tips on composting and gardening, watch a talk today on rare California plants, or learn how to invest responsibly. These are just some of the activities included in the Lab Sustainability Group’s Earth Day website. Happy Earth Day! https://earthday.lbl.gov/
ETA Seminar on Energy Efficiency: 3 Things That Work
Join Berkeley Lab Chief Sustainability Officer John Elliott on Friday, April 23, at noon, when he will discuss three energy efficiency strategies that work, based on real-world examples from Berkeley Lab buildings. This is an Energy Technologies Area seminar in celebration of Earth Month. https://calendar.google.com/event?action=TEMPLATE&tmeid=MzRlbTkyMW81N3E1ODFncHM5anZzcjhqNnIgbGJsLmdvdl9tOG43Z2hwbXIwdTl1bGZlYzdvNTFtMHEyb0Bn&tmsrc=lbl.gov_m8n7ghpmr0u9ulfec7o51m0q2o%40group.calendar.google.com
Do Your Part to Achieve Zero Waste
One of Berkeley Lab’s key sustainability goals is to divert at least 90% of solid waste material from the landfill through recycling and composting. One of the easiest ways to help? When everyone sorts their personal waste at centralized sorting stations. https://sbl.lbl.gov/category/news/#Do%20Your%20Part%20to%20Achieve%20Zero%20Waste
Imagine the Future: Sustainability
Sumanjeet Kaur in Energy Technologies is researching technologies that can substantially reduce the building sector’s carbon footprint, improve industrial thermal processing systems’ performance, advance carbon-negative efforts, and help meet the global demand for clean water. https://sites.google.com/lbl.gov/the-next-90/imagine-the-future/sustainability
Experience the Present: Sustainability
The Sustainable Berkeley Lab team collaborates with partners site-wide to reduce the Lab’s climate, waste, and water footprint. John Elliott heads the team as the Lab’s Chief Sustainability Officer, a role that was created when John joined the Lab in 2012. https://sites.google.com/lbl.gov/the-next-90/experience-the-present/sustainability
Celebrate the Past: Sustainability
Sustainability is at the heart of Berkeley Lab. The Lab’s main site, set in 202-acres of hillsides, tends to make people working and visiting the site aware of the need to support and sustain our environment. Take a look at the Lab’s sustainability history in this photo essay. https://berkeleylab.exposure.co/celebrate-the-past-sustainability?source=share-berkeleylab
Volunteers Create Lab Vegetation Management Guide
Learn how a dedicated, cross-disciplinary team of volunteers built a comprehensive plan to manage vegetation across Berkeley Lab, taking into account sustainability needs, wildland fire management, soil erosion, environmental concerns, and aesthetics. https://stratcomm-elements.lbl.gov/2021/03/31/volunteers-create-lab-vegetation-management-guide/
DOE Highlights Lab’s Team Approach to Sustainability
Berkeley Lab’s energy and water conservation efforts were recently highlighted in several Department of Energy publications. A cross-functional team oversees the program, ensuring the Lab’s energy and water management activities are strategic, effective, and persistent. https://sbl.lbl.gov/category/news/#Berkeley%20Lab%20Sustainability%20Featured%20in%20DOE%20Publications