David von Damm heads up the Security and Emergency Services Division for the Lab. Recent events and reports of potential threats to government facilities have raised the question of security at Lab sites. Read what David has to say about security and the role you play in keeping everyone safe. https://sites.google.com/lbl.gov/weareberkeleylab/supporting-science/david-von-damm
Parking Sticker Program Discontinued for 2021
Parking permit stickers will not be issued for 2021 and parking permits can no longer be used for site access. As a reminder, all personnel must use their Lab-issued security badge to come onsite. Essential personnel do not need permits to park onsite at this time. https://commute.lbl.gov/service/parking/
Lab and Campus Making Prudent Preparations for Election
The results of Tuesday’s election may not be known immediately, which can cause anxiety for many, and some communities are preparing for the possibility of civil unrest. In the unlikely event that our facilities are impacted, the Lab, as well as campus, are taking prudent steps to prepare. https://site-security.lbl.gov/2020/11/02/lab-making-prudent-preparations-for-election/
Three Trespassers in Two Weeks. Take Action.
Lock your vehicle. Watch out for anything out of the ordinary. The Lab has had three trespassers in the past few weeks. One tried to take a GEM out for a spin. Another danced on the cafeteria roof. Read more about what the Lab is doing to prevent future trespassers. https://site-security.lbl.gov/2020/10/25/three-trespassers-in-two-weeks-take-action/
Badge Office Change in Hours
The Badge Office is now open on Mondays, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Wednesdays, noon to 4 p.m., and Fridays, 8 a.m. to noon, by appointment only. Walk-ins cannot be accommodated. Supervisor approval is required to make an appointment, which should be emailed to siteaccess@lbl.gov. https://site-security.lbl.gov/service/badging/
Know the Location of the Lab’s SAFE Buildings
In the case of wildfires, those working on-site should know the location of the Lab’s 19 SAFE buildings. These buildings — marked with bright blue signs — are built of steel or concrete, have interior sprinkler systems, defensible spaces outside, and ventilation systems set to reduce smoke intake. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qlfTZtSBVxY5xcU3Ps77Z9aS4Fb08RMO/view?usp=sharing
In Case of Crisis App Discontinued
The Lab’s In Case of Crisis app is being discontinued immediately. If you are at a Lab site, there are several options available for reporting an emergency. Click here to learn more. https://site-security.lbl.gov/2020/07/28/in-case-of-crisis-app-discontinued/
Personnel Accountability Drill on Thursday
On Thursday, April 9, Lab employees, affiliates, and contractors will receive a notification from the emergency LabAlert system. The message will request a reply from each individual asking them to respond with their status and whereabouts. Only one response is needed, but responding is critical.
Rainbow’s End — The Lab
This Friday’s rainbow at the Lab comes from David von Damm, interim division director, Security and Emergency Services. Send us your Lab rainbow picture.
2020 Parking Stickers Required for Lab Entry Tomorrow
Make sure you have received your 2020 parking sticker from your division. Stickers will be required for entry to the Lab starting Friday, Jan. 31. Bicycles and motorcycles do not need stickers. https://site-security.lbl.gov/2019/12/12/2020-parking-permit-stickers/