The occupational health nurses at the Lab wear many hats, including diagnosing and treating occupational illnesses and injuries, providing referrals and information, and, most recently, handling COVID contact tracing and reporting. Thank our Lab nurses for their dedication during Nurses Week.
Mental Health Video Series: Basics of Burnout in a Research Environment
The “new normal” of lingering COVID-19 worries and stressful global events can lead to burnout. Get the support you need in a replay of this one-hour seminar and facilitated discussion that helps identify the signs and provides strategies to mitigate and prevent work-related stress.
Continue to Wear Masks on Lab Shuttles
Masks are still required on the Lab shuttles and on some public transportation systems. Alameda and Contra Costa counties are at low risk per the CDC guidelines, but other Bay Area counties have entered the medium risk category and the Bay Area is experiencing an uptick in COVID cases.
What Has Changed at the Lab: Ergonomics
Depending on the COVID conditions in our communities, more people will return to work at one of the Lab sites in the coming weeks. In this conversation with Melanie Alexandre, EHS ergonomics subject matter expert, we looked at what changes to expect when discussing ergonomics.
The Way We Work: Fleet Car Safety
Did you know that the Facilities Division maintains a fleet of more than 160 vehicles used throughout all Lab divisions for business use both on and off-site? Learn more about who’s allowed to drive a fleet vehicle and the safety steps they must take before and after taking to the road.
EHS Scientist in Beauty Industry Documentary
Ladan Khandel, EHS Industrial Hygienist, appears in a new documentary about the beauty industry. She did her undergraduate research at the Lab on the chemicals produced in a gel manicure. The documentary is part of a four-part series on HBO this month.
Personnel Accountability Drill This Thursday
The Lab’s Emergency Management Department will hold a quarterly personnel accountability drill on Thursday, April 14, for those who have badged into the Lab’s hill site that day. Respond promptly if alerted. Those not signed up for LabAlert should do so to help keep you and your colleagues safe.
Returning to Lab Sites: Community and Support
Looking for ways to handle anxiety about returning to the office? Willing to share approaches that enhance resilience around the challenges of hybrid work? Connect with fellow Lab colleagues at Wellness in the New Normal. Every other Tuesday at 12:15 p.m.
Know Your PPE: Everyone’s Work Includes It
What equipment do you need if your job includes working on the roof of one of the Lab’s buildings? While you may not need fall protection gear in your job, everyone should check personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements. Always confirm what you need for safety.
Return to the Office Toolkit and Minority Health Month
Heading back to Berkeley Lab? Check out the resources on the Healthy & Well website to help support the transition. April is also National Minority Health Month – a time to raise awareness about health disparities that affect racial and ethnic minority populations.