Early-career scientists interested in management consulting careers are invited to a workshop on March 5, 10:30 a.m. to noon in Bldg. 59-3101. Participants will learn the pros and cons of this field, the next steps toward this career option, and tips on applying for consulting opportunities. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/careers-in-management-consulting-how-and-why-scientists-become-consultants-tickets-95476319241
Feb. 13 Talk on Socially Responsible Investing
Lab staff are invited to attend a talk on socially responsible investing for retirement on Thursday, Feb. 13, noon to 1:30 p.m. in the Section Club Room at UC Berkeley’s Tang Center. Participants will get tips on incorporating these kinds of investments into their portfolio. Registration required. https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2Fmanagement%2FLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3FActivityId%3D384444%26UserMode%3D0
Female Engineering Academy Students Visit the Lab
Berkeley Lab recently hosted 90 young women from Pinole Valley and Richmond High School Engineering Academies to learn about careers in STEM. The day included a networking luncheon with more than 40 female scientists and engineers, tours of lab facilities, and career mapping. https://k12education.lbl.gov/news
360 Degree Feedback Program Available for Managers
Lab managers interested in growing their leadership skills are invited to participate in the Extraordinary Leader 360° Feedback program. The program includes an assessment based on input from peers, colleagues, and direct reports, and a follow-up workshop to create an individual development plan. https://sites.google.com/lbl.gov/learning/leaders-manager-resources/zenger-folkman-360-feedback-assessment-workshop
Sign Up for Feb. 27-28 SAFE Leadership Workshop
The Safety Academy for Excellence (SAFE) workshop allows participants to practice real-world scenarios and improve their managerial skills related to physical and psychological safety. Sign up for this free workshop. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScw4gefr01PmTopof3oK8KJLZNcKKpKlBfe_cmxV-eGanfRkw/viewform?usp=sf_link
Dec. 19 Training Sessions for K-12 Outreach
The K-12 Office will host training on Dec. 19 for volunteers interested in taking BLISS Kits into the classroom. Trainings will be offered at 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. and will cover science topics, science communication, and classroom management. Sessions are offered each month. Click to register. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfEWLE22Wc7VLRvsOmtqW86e10jehUD6VveC8LisupUsFIxUg/viewform
What’s the Plan? New Website Reveals Lab’s Strategic Vision
Everyone at the Lab has an impact on science, and you can see how your work supports the Lab’s strategy at this new website. Learn more about the Lab’s strategy for science and operations, including the Annual Lab Plan, the core of our strategic planning efforts. http://strategy.lbl.gov/
SLAM Friday: Fangchao Song and Tiny Bubbles
Every Friday in Elements, meet one of the 12 early career Lab scientists who competed in the 2019 SLAM pitch contest. This week, watch and read how Fangchao Song explained how he can make eight million uniform-sized bubbles in an hour for his study of how bacteria interact. https://slam.lbl.gov/2019-slam/2019-finalists/fangchao-song
Applications Sought for Lab’s Teaching Scholar Program
Lab researchers interested in strengthening their science communication skills, gain experience in educational settings, and connect with the local community are invited to apply for the Berkeley Lab Scholars program. https://k12education.lbl.gov/berkeley-lab-teaching-scholars
Nominations Open for Lindau Nobel Laureate Fellowship
The Lindau Fellowship for UC students and postdocs includes a week of lectures and small seminars with Nobel laureates in Lindau, Germany. For those selected to attend, UC will cover the cost of travel and attendance for up to 20 students in the summer 2020. The deadline to apply is Oct. 4. https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/press-room/nominations-sought-once-lifetime-nobel-laureate-meetings-fellowship#overlay-context=press-room/nominations-sought-once-lifetime-nobel-laureate-meetings-fellowship