Emergencies can occur without warning and at any time, so it’s best to be prepared. Packing a “go bag” with important documents, gear, food, medicine, and water is a good idea for both home and office. Review the essentials that should be in your bag to stay safe. https://youtu.be/kuHZ_7hDajU
Video: Know Where to Go In an Emergency by Locating the Nearest SAFE Building
The Lab has designated more than a dozen Safe Areas For Emergencies, or SAFE, buildings for use in the event of a wildfire. These buildings are made of concrete or steel, have air intake systems that can be shut off, and have defensible space around them. Find the SAFE buildings closest to you. https://youtu.be/DmFP3j9Yq_c
Lab Full-Scale Emergency Exercise Tentatively Rescheduled For Aug. 12
With COVID-19 cases rising across Alameda County and in an abundance of caution, the Lab has postponed the wildland fire exercise initially set for June 17. The full-scale exercise, which is mandated by the DOE and helps the Lab better prepare for emergencies, is tentatively scheduled for Aug. 12. https://securityandemergencyservices.lbl.gov/2022/06/06/lbnl-full-scale-emergency-exercise-june-17-8a-1p/
Today: Lab Emergency Radios and PA System Will Be Tested
The Lab’s public address (PA) system will be tested, along with Building Emergency Team radios, Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. The Site Operations Center will initiate the test with a PA system announcement and will then contact each radio holder individually. https://site-security.lbl.gov/
How to Gain Site Access for Deliveries, Drop-Offs, and Rideshares
Have you wondered if you can order food delivery or rideshare services, such as Lyft or Uber, to the Lab’s main site? How about whether friends or family members are allowed through the gate to drop you off or pick you up from work? The answer to those questions is yes. Click to learn more. https://securityandemergencyservices.lbl.gov/2022/05/18/how-to-gain-site-access-for-deliveries-friends-and-family-drop-offs-and-rideshares/
Emergency Notifications: Take Steps to Prepare
An incident on the UC Berkeley campus Thursday showed the importance of communications and access to information during an emergency. Read about the steps you can take to be notified in case of an emergency. https://site-security.lbl.gov/2022/04/22/emergency-notifications-take-steps-to-prepare/
Six Graduate From Lab’s First-Ever Basic Security Officer Course
The Lab concluded its first Basic Security Officer Course with a graduating class of six security officers. Developed by the Lab’s Protective Force team, the course was the first collaboration with Argonne National Lab and DOE National Training Center staff who certified the training course. https://site-security.lbl.gov/2022/04/12/six-graduate-from-labs-first-ever-basic-security-officer-course/
Personnel Accountability Drill This Thursday
The Lab’s Emergency Management Department will hold a quarterly personnel accountability drill on Thursday, April 14, for those who have badged into the Lab’s hill site that day. Respond promptly if alerted. Those not signed up for LabAlert should do so to help keep you and your colleagues safe. https://site-security.lbl.gov/2022/04/07/personnel-accountability-drill-april-14-only-for-those-at-lab-hill-site/
Safety First: Bicycling and Badging In at the Gate
Badging is a requirement at every Lab gate entry, and in this short video, we show the proper way to badge in while riding a bicycle. Always follow these steps: Safely come to a complete stop, swipe your badge, and wait for the gate arm to rise before continuing to ride forward. Click to watch. https://youtu.be/zvcwRJ1yQvM
What Has Changed at the Lab: Emergency Management
Many people at the Lab were hired during the pandemic, and many more need to reacquaint themselves with the Lab sites and the new (and trusted) ways of keeping safe during an emergency. Learn more in this interview with Lab Emergency Manager James Nuñez and Fire Marshal Todd LaBerge. https://site-security.lbl.gov/2022/03/16/what-has-changed-at-the-lab-emergency-management/