IPO is hosting a series of conversations about innovation. Join us for a talk with Deepti Tanjore, director of the Advanced Biofuels and Bioproducts Process Development Unit (ABPDU). Host Gregg Scharfstein will focus on Deepti’s story and her innovations to scale up synthetic biology technologies. https://calendar.google.com/event?action=TEMPLATE&tmeid=Nmg0dnQ0YTJpYTR2am0zaXAycWhyY3RkZ3RfMjAyMTA2MTVUMTkwMDAwWiBsYmwuZ292XzRzNHJyZzEybDZlcWc2bmNtYzJrdDB2Y2dnQGc&tmsrc=lbl.gov_4s4rrg12l6eqg6ncmc2kt0vcgg%40group.calendar.google.com
Performance Management Self-Assessment Workshops
Need some tips for writing your self-assessment? Want to put your best foot forward in your performance assessment? Participate in an upcoming workshop on June 2 at 12 p.m. or June 9 at 1 p.m. https://sites.google.com/lbl.gov/performance-management/learning-modules?authuser=0
Sessions for Supervisors on Performance Management
Supervisors and managers can be equipped with tools and guidance on making fair and equitable performance management decisions this year in light of the challenges of COVID, power shutoffs, and telework. Join a session on June 8 at 3 p.m. to learn more. https://sites.google.com/lbl.gov/performance-management/learning-modules?authuser=0
Virtual Workshops on Performance Management Process
You can learn more about the Lab’s annual performance review process by attending a workshop on either May 19 at 9 a.m. or May 26 at 1 p.m. These sessions, targeted for all new employees and anyone wanting a refresher, will provide an overview, timeline, and resources. https://sites.google.com/lbl.gov/performance-management/resources-videos?authuser=0
PMO Best Practices Seminar: Acquisition Tracking Tools
Join Susan Lucas, ESnet6 Financial Manager and Division Deputy for Business Operations, on Monday, May 17, at noon for the next Project Management Office Best Practices Seminar. Lucas will share the processes and tools used to manage acquisitions in support of ESnet6. Sign up by May 14. https://sites.google.com/lbl.gov/lbnl-pmo-seminars/home
Register for May 7 Equity Reset First Friday
Learning & Organizational Development invites Lab employees to join Equity Reset, a voluntary program dedicated to anti-racism learning and practice. The program includes a self-guided curriculum and monthly community forums called First Fridays. Consider signing up for the May 7 session. https://equityreset.lbl.gov/
April 29 Workshop On Adjusting to American Culture
Gain a greater awareness of American cultural values by attending a workshop on April 29 at 10:30 a.m. sponsored by the Lab’s Career Pathways office. Learn how to improve interpersonal relationships and enhance the understanding of American society and the workplace. Register for this Zoom event. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/why-do-americans-act-that-wayunderstanding-adjusting-to-american-culture-tickets-140376689457
Join the Operations Career Path Workshop Today
A career development and networking workshop for business operation and administrative staff — April 23 from 2 to 3:30 p.m. — will feature speakers sharing their experiences and advice on career pathways, as well as opportunities for engagement across the Lab. https://sites.google.com/lbl.gov/opscareer/home
April 29 Workshop on Respectful Work Environments
A limited number of seats are available for the upcoming Equal Employment Opportunity Harassment Prevention workshop on April 29. This interactive training builds community and individual skills in civil communication and upstander intervention. Learn more and email lericson@lbl.gov to register. https://fair.lbl.gov/community-resources/respectful-environment#h.3hzdbpvhbycw
Equity Reset Program Launches
Learning & Organizational Development invites employees across the Lab to join Equity Reset — a program dedicated to anti-racism learning and practice that includes a self-guided curriculum and monthly community forums called First Fridays. Learn more and consider signing up for the May 7 session. https://equityreset.lbl.gov/