Enjoy this replay of an informative deep dive on collaborative tools and meetings that will help you navigate the future of work. Learn about the latest inclusive meeting technology, ergonomics for home use, and how to plan meetings so those on site and Zoom can participate. https://youtu.be/TfKNhk4U2zo
PMO Best Practices: Manufacturing and QA Processes for Scientific Projects
Hear from Daniela Leitner, head of the Lab’s Manufacturing Engineering & CAD Department, in the next Project Management Office seminar on Oct. 29 at noon. Daniela will give an overview of her department and review manufacturing engineering and QA processes for scientific projects. https://sites.google.com/lbl.gov/lbnl-pmo-seminars/home
Webinar: Creating and Managing Samples Data in KBase
Register for the second webinar in the Samples in KBase series to learn how to import and manage sampling metadata. On Oct. 13 at 10 a.m., join subject matter experts to walk through the use of templates to upload samples and how to validate, verify, and manage data across samples. https://lbnl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwqd-2srDsiHd3ZURTkbVIxbIU2-xz4quGk
International Employees Travel Info Session on Oct. 6
The International Researchers and Scholars Office (IRSO) will be presenting a travel info session for international employees on Oct. 6 at noon. Learn about the latest requirements and guidance regarding international travel. Submit questions ahead of time through the form in the calendar invite. https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/r/eventedit/copy/N2tmbGduYmhiNTNqY2s1dXQxdWJsZ2hwZm0gbGJsLmdvdl80czRycmcxMmw2ZXFnNm5jbWMya3QwdmNnZ0Bn
Oct. 7 Webinar: Talent Outreach Strategy and Hiring Programs
Join us at noon on Thursday, Oct. 7, to learn about the Lab’s diversity outreach strategy and various hiring pathways for underrepresented groups. This workshop will cover the Lab’s community partnerships and other diversity outreach activities. https://calendar.google.com/event?action=TEMPLATE&tmeid=M3E4cTViazBvY2Roc29ibHJkdThvaDVhZDggbGJsLmdvdl80czRycmcxMmw2ZXFnNm5jbWMya3QwdmNnZ0Bn&tmsrc=lbl.gov_4s4rrg12l6eqg6ncmc2kt0vcgg%40group.calendar.google.com
Register Now For Sept. 29 Hydrogen Research Workshop
The Lab-wide hydrogen working group will host a workshop on Sept. 29 from 1–5 p.m. to assess the Lab’s strengths and consider future directions for hydrogen research. Those working on hydrogen and related fields or with applicable capabilities are encouraged to participate. Register by Sept. 28. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdwvSWnggb1Wctova3OVb9NDntfR0JL1bU_MLDaj4LoetvBHg/viewform?usp=sf_link
Replay: Info Sessions on Career Progression
Interested in learning how promotions are handled at the Lab? Replays of two workshops are now available to provide supervisors and employees with tools and guidance to help evaluate career progression and understand the Lab’s promotion process. Credit is available for both. https://sites.google.com/lbl.gov/welcome/team-development#h.e12g0cifg5pf
PMO Best Practice Seminar: Subcontractor Onsite Health and Safety Representative
On Sept. 17 at noon, join Kevin Goodwin, EHS Manager for Facilities and Construction Support, to learn about Subcontractor Onsite Health and Safety Representative requirements, including minimum qualifications, oversight roles and responsibilities, and methodology. https://sites.google.com/lbl.gov/lbnl-pmo-seminars/home
Training Requirement Changes for Human Subjects Research
The Human Subjects Committee is rolling out a new training policy. All personnel engaged in human subjects research with the Lab must complete CITI training every three years. Email HARC@lbl.gov to register for an online Q&A session on Monday, Sept. 13, at 1 p.m. https://commons.lbl.gov/display/harc/Training+in+the+responsible+use+of+human+subjects
Workshop Series: Writing in Science
Join Jennifer Huber and the Career Pathways Office for a series of workshops designed to help scientists and engineers become more effective and confident writers. The workshops focus on effective writing for journal articles and grant proposals. Part 1 takes place on Sept. 9. Register in advance. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/writing-in-science-part-1-reviewing-fundamentals-tickets-146990210677