Berkeley Lab
Bringing Science Solutions to the World

Two Learning Sessions Today: The Journey Begins with Self-Reflection

Many Lab colleagues have asked for more information to understand the need for societal changes. It starts by looking inward to understand our own actions, inactions, and assumptions. Read more in this call to action from DEI Officer Lady Idos and join the learning sessions Monday afternoon.

Postdoc to Postdoc Seminar: Science Policy, June 5

Kathy Shield, co-founder of the Science Policy Group at UC Berkeley and part of the National Science Policy Network leadership, will discuss what science policy is, why you might want to learn about it, and how to get involved. Hosted by the Berkeley Lab Postdoc Association.

Laughter is the Best Medicine Webinar on June 4

Why is laughter important? How can we get more laughter into our lives? This webinar, hosted by Kaiser Permanente, can help you feel more centered and secure during this unsettling time. Register ahead; attendance is limited.