A seminar for postdocs on Thursday, June 25, from 11 a.m. to noon will provide tips on building a framework that simplifies the compensation negotiation process and strategies for discussing your salary while maintaining good relations with your future boss. Learn more and register. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/104063982172
Supervisor Toolkit: Assessing Performance & Potential
In this toolkit, supervisors will learn about bias and how it can unintentionally influence evaluations of merit in hiring, developing, retaining, and advancing employees, as well as methods to accurately assess performance and potential, and block bias when evaluating talent. https://ideas-in-action.lbl.gov/topics/performance-assessment#h.p_qhmYhR4lhFbx
June 18 Workshop on Interviewing for Jobs in Industry
This workshop for postdocs will provide tips on answering interview questions for research jobs in industry, and offer strategies for addressing difficult interview questions and situations. Registration is required for this Thursday, June 18, 10:30 a.m. to noon event. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/104061930034
LHS to Offer Online Science Camps This Summer
The Lawrence Hall of Science will offer engaging virtual science discovery camps this summer. Camps include Investigating slime (grades 1–2), making quicksand (grades 3–5), designing and building bridges (middle school), and coding space probes (high school). https://www.lawrencehallofscience.org/visit/camps_and_classes/summer_camps
Two Learning Sessions Today: The Journey Begins with Self-Reflection
Many Lab colleagues have asked for more information to understand the need for societal changes. It starts by looking inward to understand our own actions, inactions, and assumptions. Read more in this call to action from DEI Officer Lady Idos and join the learning sessions Monday afternoon. https://diversity.lbl.gov/2020/06/05/learning-journey-begins-with-self-reflection-two-events-on-june-8-2020/
Imposter Syndrome Webinar, June 11
Imposter syndrome tricks you into minimizing your contributions and value, standing in the way of opportunities to advance your career, launch new collaborations, and be more innovative. Learn strategies and tactics to get rid of imposter syndrome and regain your confidence. Register ahead of time. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/104092102280
Postdoc to Postdoc Seminar: Science Policy, June 5
Kathy Shield, co-founder of the Science Policy Group at UC Berkeley and part of the National Science Policy Network leadership, will discuss what science policy is, why you might want to learn about it, and how to get involved. Hosted by the Berkeley Lab Postdoc Association. https://calendar.google.com/event?action=TEMPLATE&tmeid=N3YyYzh0dm8wbnZyY20zaDUza2hyNW5oY3YgbGJsLmdvdl80czRycmcxMmw2ZXFnNm5jbWMya3QwdmNnZ0Bn&tmsrc=lbl.gov_4s4rrg12l6eqg6ncmc2kt0vcgg%40group.calendar.google.com
Webinar: Job Hunting Strategies for Industry Research Jobs, June 4
Getting a research-oriented job in industry can be a competitive process. In this webinar, UCSF career advisor Bill Lindstaedt will share strategies for creating effective resumes and application materials, making connections with decision-makers in industry, and utilizing your network. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/104061105568
Laughter is the Best Medicine Webinar on June 4
Why is laughter important? How can we get more laughter into our lives? This webinar, hosted by Kaiser Permanente, can help you feel more centered and secure during this unsettling time. Register ahead; attendance is limited. https://kponline.webex.com/mw3300/mywebex/default.do?service=7&nomenu=true&main_url=%2Ftc3300%2Ftrainingcenter%2FLoading.do%3Fsiteurl%3Dkponline%26UID%3D-99999999%26RT%3DMiM0%26siteurl%3Dkponline%26apiname%3Dj.php%26MTID%3Dt3ed28a9c995cbdc7ce7a7dada3489fe5%26FM%3D1%26rnd%3D2769046790%26servicename%3DTC%26ED%3D965367947%26needFilter%3Dfalse&siteurl=kponline
On-Site Superstar: Rosanne Boudreau
Meet Roseanne Boudreau, one of the few employees allowed on-site during the shutdown. She’s helping Lab science to continue by ensuring researchers in the Biosciences’ Emeryville location are working safely by evaluating possible hazards and implementing controls to mitigate those hazards. https://newscenter.lbl.gov/2020/05/15/masks-on-ready-to-work-meet-the-people-supporting-covid-19-science/#rosanne