Hiring is one of the most important processes any organization undertakes, impacting present needs, future success, and the chance to reinforce culture and values. Training on how to make the hiring process more equitable and compliant is now available online and can be taken at any time. https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2Fmanagement%2FLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3FActivityId%3D402249%26UserMode%3D0&domain=24
Applications Open for Spring 2021 Internships
Applications are open for spring undergraduate internships. Program dates are Jan. 11 to April 30. Applications are due Oct. 7. Encourage undergrads or post baccalaureates you may know to apply. Visit the Workforce Development & Education website for more information. https://education.lbl.gov/internships/
Live Science Series: Science in the Sky on July 31
Tune in on Friday, July 31, at 2 p.m. for an interactive session on climate change and atmospheric rivers, which can cause severe weather conditions and catastrophic flooding. Learn how you can become a citizen scientist and help researchers by collecting data from the comfort of your own home. https://k12education.lbl.gov/home-resources/live-science-series
July 23 Postdoc Workshop on Virtual Interviewing
The pandemic has created disruptions in how companies hire, and there are new interviewing expectations for both employers and candidates. Get tips on how to prepare for a virtual interview, appear confident, and describe your skills and abilities at a postdoc workshop on July 23 at 10:30 a.m. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/107110616738
Next Summer STEM Seminar Is July 17
The Lab’s K-12 Education and Outreach office is hosting a summer seminar series for high school students on STEM careers. The next event on July 17 at 10 a.m. will focus on entrepreneurship and industry. Encourage your kids, as well as family and friends with children in high school, to participate. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/high-school-summer-seminars-with-berkeley-lab-registration-109768646978
Video: Fire-Smart Landscaping
There are steps you can take to guard your home against wildfires. First, maintain adequate defensible space around your home by clearing away dead plants, grass, and weeds. Second, use landscaping that is less likely to catch fire. Learn more about fire-resistant landscaping in this UC video. https://youtu.be/gCARseErIi4
July 10 Live Science: Sustainability & Soil Science
The K-12 Education office invites Lab employees and their families to join a live science demonstration and activity on Friday, July 10, at 2 p.m. Learn about soil science and get tips on how to upgrade your home composting systems. Check out our website for more live science events. https://k12education.lbl.gov/home-resources/live-science-series
Sessions for Supervisors on Performance Management
Two sessions will be held on July 8 (10 a.m. and 1 p.m.) to equip supervisors with tools, guidance, and support to conduct fair and equitable performance reviews. This training is a follow-up for those who attended previous sessions on this topic last month. https://sites.google.com/lbl.gov/performance-management/resources-videos
June 25 Webinar on Raising Racially Conscious Kids
Bright Horizons is holding a discussion on June 25 at noon to help parents initiate conversations with young children on race. There will be tips on answering tough questions, taking actions to lay the groundwork for change, and impacting the kind of person their children become. https://event.on24.com/eventRegistration/EventLobbyServlet?target=reg30.jsp&partnerref=client&eventid=2432392&sessionid=1&key=A7F1E2B194DE8CBFA857831686D5F251®Tag=&sourcepage=register
Google Sites Training on June 24
This session — 11 a.m. to noon and taught by Andrea Taylor — will cover beginner to intermediate development of Google Sites. Participants will learn to create a responsive website with just a few clicks; no coding needed. A panel of Lab staff who have created Google Sites will also be on hand. https://calendar.google.com/event?action=TEMPLATE&tmeid=NnZ0MTdpaHZmaGY3dGk0dXFzYzA5aGdwYjAgbGJsLmdvdl80czRycmcxMmw2ZXFnNm5jbWMya3QwdmNnZ0Bn&tmsrc=lbl.gov_4s4rrg12l6eqg6ncmc2kt0vcgg%40group.calendar.google.com