Scientists and engineers who participate in this Sept. 3, 1 to 3:30 p.m., science writing workshop will learn the general principles of effective writing for journal articles and grant proposals, with a focus on editing, using active voice, and crafting clear sentences and paragraphs.
Registration Open for IT Courses
The IT Division is offering training in Python Fundamentals, R Fundamentals, Intro to Bash and Github, Text Analysis Fundamentals, Tableau Bootcamp, and more. Register for courses and sign up for advance notice of IT courses.
Video Replay: Science Cafe on Energy Storage Solutions
Watch this recent Science Cafe — hosted by UC Berkeley and Berkeley Lab — to learn about the need to increase and improve energy storage technologies and how nanoscience is being used to identify and develop novel materials for better, more efficient batteries.
Aug 4: DOE CarbonX Webinar on Downstream Advancements
Join ORNL, PNNL, and two industry partners in a discussion of industry-lab collaborations for downstream technologies that are reducing the cost and improving the performance of many energy applications. Registration for this CarbonX webinar is free but required. First come, first served.
July 31: K-12 Live Science Presents Science in the Sky
The K-12 Education office invites Berkeley Lab employees and their families to join us in a live science demonstration and activity. On Friday, July 31 at 2 p.m., learn about atmospheric science and engage in a community science activity. Check out our website for more live science events.
July 31: Summer STEM Seminar for High Schoolers
The Lab’s K-12 Education and Outreach office is hosting a summer seminar series for high school students on STEM careers. On July 31, Sinéad Griffin will talk about materials sciences research. Sign up today.
July 24: ALS Innovation Forum Series Kicks Off
The Advanced Light is hosting a series of Innovation Forums to enhance collaborations between the ALS and partner divisions across the Lab. The forums will take place over the coming weeks and cover a wide range of topics and instrumentation. The first one on bioimaging is on July 24.
Applications Open for Lindau Nobel Laureate Fellowship
Applications are open for the 2021 UC President’s Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting. The Lindau Interdisciplinary Meeting will concentrate on the fields of medicine, physics, chemistry, and physiology, with an emphasis on interdisciplinary research. Learn more and apply by August 14.
Watch JGI Webinar on Functional Genomics Proposal
Watch the “JGI Engagement: Accessing Functional Genomics Capabilities” webinar and hear how scientists have advanced their research through the Joint Genome Institute’s year-round CSP Functional Genomics proposal call. Proposals submitted by July 30 will be included in the next review.
Summer STEM Webinar Series for High Schoolers
Each week, researchers and experts share their experiences with high school students to help them prepare for careers in STEM. On July 24 Romy Chakraborty will discuss her work in the field of biosciences, and on July 31, Sinéad Griffin will talk about materials sciences research. Register today.