Berkeley Lab
Bringing Science Solutions to the World

Tang Center Offers Six-Session Series on Mindful Living

UCLA’s Neesha Patel will present a six-session series on mindful awareness on Wednesdays, from August 1 to Sept. 19, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The cost for the series — presented by UC Berkeley’s Tang Center — is $215. The practice of mindfulness can help reduce stress and promote health and well-being.

Lab’s Mary Maxon Participates in Press Conference With Governor on Fire Dangers

At an April 23 news conference in Berkeley on collaborations to lessen fire danger near urban areas, Governor Gavin Newsom asked Biosciences ALD Mary Maxon to answer a question on the use of biomass from forest-thinning. She discussed bio-based strategies to utilize forest biomass in biorefineries.