ENIGMA – Ecosystems & Networks Integrated with Genes & Molecular Assemblies – is dedicated to creating a predictive model of the impact of microbial communities on critical ecosystem processes. ENIGMA’s research is integral to the BioEPIC scientific efforts to link the lab to the field. https://arcg.is/1T5mvq0
BioEPIC Video: Lauren Lui
Lauren Lui is a project scientist in the ENIGMA scientific focus area who sequences microbial DNA and uses bioinformatics to study its genomes and “count” the organisms in her samples. In this short video, find out how Earth Week resonates for her. https://youtu.be/bKWV4muNr0w
BioEPIC Science: Watersheds
Under the Watershed Function SFA, researchers study changes to the mountain environment from bedrock to canopy. A community testbed is located along the East River watershed near the Upper Colorado River headwaters. The research is a key component of BioEPIC. https://arcg.is/fL1Pb
BioEPIC Video: Charu Varadharajan
The Earth Week theme, “Investing in our Planet,” is particularly relevant to Charu Varadharajan’s research in Watershed Function SFA, or Scientific Focus Area. As an environmental data scientist, she studies how natural water resources respond to the changing climate and disturbances like drought. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDdhAkwgPuU
Behind the Breakthrough: Agustin Avila Sakar
Agustin Avila Sakar has spent nearly his entire career learning about cryo-EM technology. Now, he’s tasked with planning the cryo-EM facility in the new BioEPIC building and understanding how it could help further the tenant groups’ breakthrough research. https://biosciences.lbl.gov/2022/04/15/agustin-avila-sakar-cryo-em-trailblazer/
New Lab Tools for Biosciences
The Lab has launched a digital brochure with 16 open and closed source software and tools for imaging, omics, and synthetic biology research and development. These tools can accelerate discovery and hasten products-to-market in biosciences. https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220303005218/en/Lawrence-Berkeley-National-Laboratory-Offers-Software-Tools-for-Biosciences-Research-and-Development
Chloro-phylling in the Answers to Big Questions
In this Q&A, we spoke to two Berkeley Lab scientists who investigate the atomic-level choreography of photosynthesis – the enzyme-driven cellular process fundamental to life on Earth. Check it out to learn about their latest milestones, shooting stuff with lasers, and why they chose this field. https://newscenter.lbl.gov/2021/11/30/chloro-phylling-in-the-answers/
JBEI Virtual Seminar with Tae Seok Moon Today
Join a JBEI seminar today with Washington University’s Tae Seok Moon, who will speak on the development of novel microbial hosts and CRISPRi tools for valorizing waste plastics and lignin. The seminar starts at 3 p.m. Click to register for the webinar. https://lbnl.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_XzJ1OW2tTnalWQsXZ9bCqg
VIDEO: Mina Bissell Delivers Virtual Gairdner Laureate Talk
Due to the pandemic, the Gairdner Foundation held its annual Laureate Lectures and Gala Celebration virtually this year. Distinguished Senior Scientist Mina Bissell presented her talk and received her medal surrounded by family at home in Berkeley. https://biosciences.lbl.gov/2020/10/29/mina-bissell-delivers-gairdner-laureate-talk-virtually-receives-medal-at-home/
Experimental Drug Targets HIV in a Novel Way
At the ALS, researchers studied how an experimental HIV drug targets a type of protein that forms a shield around the viral RNA. The work could lead to a long-lasting HIV treatment that overcomes the problem of drug resistance and avoids the need for daily pill-taking. https://als.lbl.gov/experimental-drug-targets-hiv-in-a-novel-way/